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Longform travel stories.
The meat and potatoes of Legal Nomads, and the reason I started this site: to share longer form pieces about the adventures and misadventures on the road, about crazy bus rides filled with goats and chickens and the hospitality of strangers along the way.
As the site has grown and I’ve gotten older the type of travel I have done has changed. I focus more on the stories behind a place and its people these days, but this category includes all the craziness from the initial round-the-world adventure.
10 Years of Legal Nomads: Favourite Posts from A Decade of Nomadic Living
The Lumbar Puncture That Changed My Life
9 Years of Legal Nomads
Embarrassing Stories from my Travels
For a list of all of the travel narrative posts on Legal Nomads, click here.
Photoessays from the road.
When I started travelling in 2008 I brought along a point and shoot camera and left my laptop at home, using internet cafes to update the blog occasionally. In the years that followed I’ve tried to improve my photography and have managed to snag an award for my Japan Photoessay in the process.
I am always trying to improve my photography skills, and occasionally share long essays filled with images as a way to convey a sense of place. This category contains all of those posts and the occasional Instagram roundup also.
Best Photos of 2016 & Plans for the Coming Year
30 (Beautiful!) Reasons to Visit Belize
Year in Review: 25 photos from 2015
Wanaka, New Zealand in 35 Photos
Love pictures? For the full archives of travel photography click here.
Crash courses to cities I love.
These are practical posts, but they are as long as the travel narrative section! They contain guides to cities that I’ve spent time in, and each “crash course” includes where to eat, where to stay, what to do, and what to see.
They exist to make your travels easier.
The Legal Nomads Guide to Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca
The Legal Nomads Chiang Mai Travel Guide
The Legal Nomads guide to Montreal: see, do, and eat!
The Legal Nomads Self-Guided Tour to Saigon Street Food
Traveling soon? For a list of the city guides on Legal Nomads, click here.
Sickness and travel.
One of the fears we all have when setting out abroad is that we’ll get sick. I’ve had my share of it — mostly in the form of respiratory illnesses and issues surrounding falling off a motorbike on the side of a cliff while a truck rained cabbages and pineapples on me (you can’t make this stuff up). In these posts I get into the nitty gritty of what I learned during these misadventures, hopefully making you feel a bit more secure in the process.
The reality is I’m still travelling despite these mishaps — that says they couldn’t have been that bad! You know what they say: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. See the landing page for getting sick on the road for more.
Food glorious food!
Food history and narrative
This category also includes the longer form food writing about people and places that I’ve penned during my years of stuffing my face around the world, as well as some background on where ingredients come from and how they connect to a place.
The Cow Head Taco Philosopher King of Oaxaca
Treat Yourself to The Best Pizza in Oaxaca At La Matatena Pizzeria
A Brief History of Fish Sauce
Is Mole Sauce Gluten Free?
Recipes from around the world
This category features some recipes I tried on the road, or made at home in between my adventures, inspired by my travels.
Recipe: Gluten Free Banana Bread with Chocolate from Oaxaca
Recipe: Gluten Free Cookies with Amaretto and Strawberry Jam
Recipe for Delicious Green Curry Fried Rice with Chicken (Gluten Free)
Recipe for Marinated Tremoços (Lupini beans) from Portugal
For more in the food category, please see my landing page for all of my food writing